What is the severity of the ozone injury on the affected leaves? To use paper and pencil to track data while in your garden download and print this Garden Observation Sheet, then come back and record your data here using the form below.

Getting Started

First, select the leaf from the map below that corresponds to your local garden or use the Garden Location dropdown to begin the data collection process. If you need help identifying ozone damage, visit our ozone garden training page to learn more as well as play our ozone damage training game.

Logged in as Citizen Scientist
Form under construction, please use the Garden Observation Sheet to record your data and enter into the form once it is back online

Now, choose the plant you will observe to look for ozone damage or injury.

This will be the plant for which you collect data, you can select the plant you are choosing by clicking on the picture or selecting from the dropdown choices.

Snap bean plant example
Coneflower bean plant example
Potato plant example
Milkweed bean plant example

Basic Information

Injury Identification

For each leaf, what is the estimated percent of leaf area that has visible ozone damage?

Using the injury index images below, select the injury index that best classifies the amount of damage you see on each leaf. Please repeat for 10 leaves on the chosen plant, choosing a few leaves from the top, middle, and bottom of the plants.

  • You may need to use different individuals of the same plant type
  • If you are a garden manager make sure you are logged in
  • Do you need an ozone damage identification refresh? Head to the training page to brush up on your skills, or view our photo gallery to compare the plants you're looking at

* For if you have more than 20 entries, or would like to enter bulk data

We suggest 10 more more entires for data quality and a minimum of 5 are required
You can remove your selection by double-clicking the selected radio
There is a maxiumum of 50 entries per field. For larger entry sets contact the Garden Leads [ garden-leads@ucar.edu ]
First Leaf
Index 1
Second Leaf
Index 2
Third Leaf
Index 3
Fourth Leaf
Index 4
Fifth Leaf
Index 5
Sixth Leaf
Index 6
First Leaf
Index 1
Second Leaf
Index 2
Third Leaf
Index 3
Fourth Leaf
Index 4
Fifth Leaf
Index 5
Sixth Leaf
Index 6

* Mobile device instructions

Use the left and right arrows to select the amount of damage per leaf. When you are ready to enter the next leaf will click on the Next Leaf button. To revisit your entries can click on the Prev Leav button to go back. The progress bar below will track how many leaves you have entered.

Form under construction, please use the Garden Observation Sheet to record your data and enter into the form once it is back online